04 March, 2025

Regional Centre


Regional Centre (RC) Delhi-2 was established in the year 1998-99, with the bifurcation of Delhi Region into Delhi-1 & Delhi-2. It covers North Delhi, North-East Delhi, East Delhi, and Central Delhi. Beginning with 19 Study Centres and student enrolment of 6425, RC Delhi-2 has emerged as one of the largest Regional Centres in the country in terms of total students enrolled, learner support centres, activated programmes of studies, fee remittances etc. As on Date, the Region has 54 Learner Support Centres including a Tele learning Centre in the Regional Centre premises. The Region has the unique distinction of having 2 Padmshree Awardees as Coordinators of its learner support centres (0708 & 0794P).

 The Regional Centre carries out multifarious activities such as Admissions including re-registrations, Establishment of Learner Support Centres, Empanelment of Part-time Academic Counsellors at the Learner Support Centres, Oragnisation of Counselling Sessions, Evaluation of Assignments, Conduct of Term End Examinations for theory & Practicals, conduct of On Demand Examinations, Conduct of VIVA Voce and evaluation of Project Reports, Conduct of Interactive Radio Counselling, Conduct of Orientation Programmes, Providing Downlink facilities for Tele-conferencing, Library facilities, Overall monitoring of the quality of the learner support services in the Region and Development of Need based Academic Programmes. 

For its effective support services, the Regional Centre Delhi-2 was adjudged among the Best Regional Centres in the country during the 18th Convocation, of the University.