Dr Rita Chauhan
Dr. Rita Chauhan is presently holding position of Assistant Regional Director (Senior Scale) at IGNOU Regional centre Delhi-2. She also has served the responsibility as Assistant Director at Regional Services Division, IGNOU headquarter and as Assistant Regional Director, at IGNOU Regional centre Patna.
She has obtained her Post Graduatedegree in Environmental Biology from University of Delhi. She has accomplished her M-Phil degree in area of Wetland Ecology and management at School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She holds Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in field of Mangrove biogeochemistry from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She was awarded Lectureship in Life Sciences by UGC-CSIR and have received Research fellowship from CSIR for her research pursuit.She is member of several national and international bodies of learned societies such as IUCN,American Society for MicrobiologyAmerican Geophysical Union , Indian Science Congress, Association of Microbiologists of India. She has disseminated her research through presentation at various national as well as international conferences, symposiums, seminars and workshops.
Before joining to IGNOU, Dr. Chauhan have provided scientific and technical consultancy in UNFCC-GEF fundedproject on Climate Change under Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF), Government of India. She have contributed to India’s Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2012) and several international report as Expert Reviewer for Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).She also has worked as Research Associate in World bank funded project on Integrated Coastal Zone Management ,MoEFand provided policy framework for Coastal Management Zone Regulations, Government of India. She has research articles published in various peer-reviewed journals of publishers such as Elsevier, Springer, Wiley-Blackwell, NISCAIR and also as chapters in book of repute.
After joining to IGNOU in 2011, she has acquired Post Graduate Diploma in Distance Education to gain insight into various dimensions of Open and Distance Learning System. Shehas been actively involved in academic writing for print and non-print media anddeveloping teaching-learning materials. She constantly thrivesupon new and innovative dimensions in Open and Distance Educationto upgrade the student support services.She has been involved in teaching-learning process by undertaking face to face academic counselling, Interactive Radio Counseling (IRC), Web-conferencing and various other contact programme. Besides these, she has been holding training sessions for various stakeholders of Open and Distance university.
Her areas of Interest include Environmental Science, Ecology, Natural Resource Management, Climate Change, Open and Distance Learning, Learner Support Services.
IGNOU Regional Centre,
C/o Indian Adult Education Association
