Environment is everybody's business. It has been observed that many individuals, who have the benefit of education and are actively engaged in their professions, often have strong desire to educate themselves on environmental matters. They also want to play a significant role in environmental management of their neighbourhood.
Sometimes, due to misinformation or availability of excessive information on a subject, these individuals despite their enlightened background, are not in a position to appreciate significant environmental issues. They are also sometimes misled by adverse propaganda. Owing to these reasons, the Appreciation Course on Environment (ACE) has been developed by the University in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India, as a non-credit awareness course.
The objectives of this course are to:
- Disseminate information on national and international environmental issues.
- Create environmental consciousness among professionals, academicians and other members of society who can play an active part in opinion making within the society so that corrective environmental action could be encouraged; and
- Facilitate development of environmental leadership among individuals who may organise/ participate in environment upgradation programmes.
This course is available in two cycles in a year.
1st Cycle: January-March
2nd Cycle: July-September
The form for admission can be obtained from the Regional Centres of the University or it can also be downloaded from the University Website.
The addresses of the Regional Centres may be seen at the following location of the University Website: www.ignou.ac.in → Locations → Regional Centres
The form for admission can be downloaded from the following location of the University Website:
www.ignou.ac.in → Admissions → Prospectus and Application → Prospectus and Application Form → Common Prospectus
The filled-in application form with the requisite enclosures is to be submitted at the Regional Centre as per the specified date.
Course Components
The course consists of:
Print Material for self study; and
Contact Programme comprising:
Teleconferencing sessions,
Audio / Video and Counselling sessions,
Project Assessment Workshop.
iii. Mode of Course Completion
This course can be completed in two modes:
Mode – 1 Awareness mode
Mode-Certification mode
Mode – 1 Awareness mode
This mode gives you the flexibility to study the print material and perform the activities suggested therein as per your convenience. There is no formal assessment for this mode. A Contact Programme, the schedule of which is given in Section 6, must be attended to enrich and update your learning experience, even though it is optional.
Mode – 2 Certification mode
For this mode, besides pursuing the study of print material you have to successfully complete a Project Work for earning the Certificate of Participation.
While the details pertaining to the Project Work are given in Section 7 some tips for pursuing this mode of study are as follows:
You may begin your study of the print material and perform the suggested activities in tow month's time. This would equip you with the requisite knowledge ad help you in choosing a topic for your Project Work.
Knowing in advance the deadline for completion of the Project Work (see Section 7) and that it is to be presented it in the Project Assessment Workshop, may help you to make the necessary preparations.