09 March, 2025

Regional Centre


Certificate in Early Childhood Special Education (Cerebral Palsy) (CESE(CP))

Minimum Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Minimum Age: No bar
Maximum Age: No bar


10th Pass

The Certificate Programme will equip you with the knowledge, attitudes, strategies and skills to foster the all round development of young children with Cerebral Palsy and have a positive influence on their lives. This Certificate Programme will enable you to work as a member of an interdisciplinary team providing early intervention and education to children with disabilities up to the age of 6 years, in a variety of settings, such, as inclusive set-ups, integrated set-ups and special schools. The aim is to involve you in the creation of an inclusive society that facilitates the full participation of children with disabilities and their families through networks and appropriate supports in a barrier-free environment.

As a parent/family member of a person with disability or as a teacher/community worker working with persons with disabilities, you have a crucial role in facilitating their all round development. As a first step in your preparation for this role as a ‘facilitator’, you yourself need to be convinced about their potential and acknowledge that disability is not barrier to living a fulfilling and enriched life. Your convictions will help you in spreading awareness and carrying out advocacy to remove prejudices and negative attitudes.
Mere awareness is not enough. You need to play a proactive role in fostering the development of children with disabilities. For doing so, you need to be equipped with information regarding the nature, early identification and prevention of disabilities; strategies and methods of stimulating physical, motor, language, mental and social development during early childhood and later years; teaching principles and methodologies; aids and appliances; and the various education options available, so that children with disabilities can be an integral part of community life.
Objectives of the Programmes of Study
The Certificate Programme will equip you to provide inputs to children with cerebral palsy for early intervention and education. The specific objectives of the Programme are:
To develop an understanding about disability and an attitude of empathy and sensitivity towards persons with disabilities.
To be aware of the importance of prevention and early detection of disabilities and to be able to screen children for disabilities and provide referral;
To develop the conviction that a child with disability can learn and benefit from early intervention and education;
To learn the strategies, methods and skills of providing early intervention, training and education to children so as to foster children’s all round development including development of physical, motor, cognitive, language, socio-emotional and personal care abilities;
To develop the skills of creating networks and partnerships with families of children with disabilities and professionals working for them;
To know the various educational options and facilitate the inclusion of the children in the home, school and community; and
To adapt the physical, social and teaching-learning environment so as to provide the required support to the children to develop their potential, acquire concepts and develop abilities.
This Certificate Programme Study is in response to two significant trends in the world today:
Nations across the worl are constantly attempting to bring about positive changes changes and put systems in place that will ensure that all persons enjoy all human rights and privileges; and
Information technology is being increasingly used to enable people to access information and build their capacities to remain meaningfully active in their professional and personal lives. Distance Education employs IT towards this end.


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